UNDP Crisis Academy

People-Centered Collective Intelligence for Crisis Leadership

As global crises grow more complex, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Crisis Bureau recognized the need for an innovative approach to crisis response. Enter the Crisis Academy—designed to tackle these challenges with collective intelligence, protecting hard-won development gains across the globe with experts ready to deploy within 48 hours of a crisis.

As the communications strategist, I partnered with the UNDP Crisis Bureau to shape the brand strategy and learning design for this bold initiative. It began with the creation of the SURGE Academy, whose success led to the expansion of the model across multiple learning paths and electives. Together, we crafted engaging content, developed an innovative digital platform, integrated gamification, and established a cohesive visual identity that spanned all six learning communities.

Brand Strategy

Through in-depth research and collaboration with stakeholders, we identified key themes resonating across diverse crisis response sectors. We crafted a brand personality that was both authoritative and approachable, designed to engage participants from various UN agencies, international organizations, and academic institutions. The strategy focused on creating an immersive, gamified learning experience that kept participants engaged throughout their journey—and ready for rapid deployment.

Visual Identity

We developed a unique visual identity that fit seamlessly within the overall UNDP design system while reflecting the complexity and urgency of crisis response. This dynamic visual language incorporated symbolic elements representing six thematic crisis areas and was paired with modern, user-friendly interfaces. We applied the design consistently across online platform experiences, video content, and promotional materials.

Learning Experience Design

We enhanced the live launch with a token-based gamification system, allowing participants to engage with live and on-demand games, micro-interactions, and video content. The result? Over 2.3 million tokens earned. Our custom platform provided deep insights into user engagement and content effectiveness, driving increased participation and measurable impact.

  • The platform attracted 5,700 users from 179 countries, with 2,107 actively participating and earning tokens.
  • The live launch event drew 1,021 crisis experts, including high-profile UNDP leadership.


The Crisis Academy has set a new standard for interactive learning in international development and crisis response. By integrating gamification with serious learning content and fostering collaboration across different academies, we’ve created a powerful tool for building global crisis response capacity. This innovative platform is set to redefine how the international community prepares for and responds to crises, driving global resilience and shaping a more adaptive future.

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Project Scope

Brand Strategy

Communications Strategy

Visual Identity

UI/UX — Gamified Platform

Branded Materials

Video Production


Shivani Khanna, Learning Advisor

Polixenia Calagi, Project Manager

Janthomas Hiemstra, Head of Country Support

Arilda Dragjoshi, Communications Analyst

Benjamin Bartel, Video Producer