Dow Janes

Women+ with money have more choices and louder voices.

In a world where women have historically been left out of financial conversations, Dow Janes saw an opportunity for a money management approach that addresses gender inequalities in wealth, power, and influence. The company sprang to life in 2020 during the pandemic, thanks to two clever women who had already amassed millions by their 30s. They took the internet by storm—teaching women how to break free from debt and dive into investing, all with a long-term lens on what building wealth truly looks like.

Dow Janes brought me in for a one-on-one brand partnership to refresh their brand identity — so they could truly look the part of the multi-million-dollar company they are. Over the course of our year-long collaboration, we orchestrated a complete brand renaissance—refining the company's identity, revamping the website, refreshing social media and course materials, and even conjuring up an AI-powered personality quiz to segment their audience.

Brand Strategy

Through extensive research, we identified key personas representing Dow Janes’ core audience: women who often feel shame and are generous to a fault, sometimes at the expense of their own financial well-being; high-powered professionals striving for financial independence;  and enthusiastic idealists eager to align their finances with their values. Understanding these personas allowed us to craft a brand personality that enthusiastically cheers on course participants and provides empathetic support throughout their financial journeys.


The refreshed Dow Janes logo is an evolution of their wordmark featuring a leaf burst that symbolizes growth and progress. The lowercase text treatment keeps the brand relatable and grounded, while the geometric shapes ensure universal recognition.

Visual Language

We developed a visual language that balances sophistication with approachability by integrating symbolic patterns—leaves symbolizing growth, grids representing stability and structure, and circles signifying wholeness—with a blend of modern minimalist fonts and stylish counterparts that reflect the brand's commitment to transparency and transformation; photography focuses on emotion and features a diverse audience of women+, emphasizing inclusivity and empowerment.


The refreshed brand strategy and visual identity for Dow Janes delivered immediate, tangible results. By crafting an image that's both polished and delightfully approachable, we helped Dow Janes step into the spotlight as a trusted financial guide. The impact was swift and significant: key landing pages saw conversion rates soar, while advertising costs gracefully dipped thanks to lower cost-per-clicks. This sparkling new brand identity has become a powerful instrument in Dow Janes' mission to uplift women+ toward financial freedom, ultimately contributing to a more equitable world where women enjoy more choices and stronger voices.

“Updating our branding to match the caliber of company we have become feels awesome! Even better, we saw an instant return on our upleveled branding as key landing pages started to convert better and the cost per click on our advertising went down!”

Laurie-Anne King, Co-founder

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Project Scope

Brand Discovery

User Research

Brand Strategy

Visual Identity


Social Media

Digital Ads

Course Materials

Platform Design

Quiz Design

AI Integration
