
Immediate situational awareness to global event traffic

BTI360, a company with over 20 years of experience in delivering large-scale mission systems, approached me with a budding concept for a global event analysis platform. They needed a brand partner to transform their innovative idea into an enticing product for investors and future users, particularly in the national security, civilian agencies, and commercial sectors.


Our strategic brand partnership included regular VIP days that synced perfectly with their agile product development and industry showcases. Our journey kicked off with an extensive naming venture, christening the product "EventAware" to echo its knack for real-time, global event monitoring. From there, we developed a future-forward logo and a unified visual language that mirrored the product’s cutting-edge feel. The brand took shape across various platforms—from investor pitch decks and video stings to social media graphics and conference displays. This flexible branding approach adapted seamlessly as BTI360 honed their product, ensuring the brand’s evolution was as polished and persuasive as the technology itself, captivating both investors and potential users.


for EventAware transformed BTI360’s spark of innovation into a market-ready powerhouse with a striking brand presence. We crafted a compelling identity that not only captures EventAware’s essence with a crisp, memorable name but also communicates its core value brilliantly. Our full suite of sleek marketing materials set the stage across various platforms, positioning EventAware as the cutting-edge choice in the competitive data analysis arena. This all-encompassing branding strategy gave BTI360 the robust launchpad they needed, marking EventAware’s rise as a formidable player in global event analysis, resonating powerfully in target sectors.

“Shay really read between the lines of our differing ideas seamlessly and painlessly to create an identity we feel confident in moving forward with for years to come. Having our branding reflect our core values as a team was so important and she knocked it out of the park!”

Kelly Swain, Project Manager

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Project Scope

Brand Naming

Brand Messaging

Visual Identity

VIP Design Days
